Dr. Gianluigi Liva

Dr. Gianluigi Liva Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt 6G Connectivity [TIA 4] Post-Quantum Security by Design [TIA 5] Satellite Networks Department – Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Information Transmission Group Leader “Within the 6G-RIC consortium, we will bring our knowledge in the design of reliable communication techniques for massive-size wireless […]

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kürner

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kürner Technische Universität Braunschweig Sub-THz Mobile Access [TIA1] Intelligent Radio Environments [TIA 2] Network as a Sensor [TIA 3] 6G-RIC will pave the way to make THz Communications happen. With my team I will contribute to this goal with channel measurements and modelling and with providing a simulation framework.

Dr. Juliane Krämer

Prof. Dr. Juliane Krämer Universität Regensburg Post-Quantum Security by Design [TIA 5] It is very important to integrate post-quantum security into the 6G architecture from the beginning. This is what we are doing in 6G-RIC.