Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heinrich

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heinrich Ferdinand-Braun-Institut Sub-THz Mobile Access [TIA1] As FBH team within 6G-RIC, we develop energy-efficient transmitters for the D-band using InP-on-(Bi)CMOS hetero-integration.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heinrich

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heinrich Ferdinand-Braun-Institut Sub-THz Mobile Access [TIA1] As FBH team within 6G-RIC, we develop energy-efficient transmitters for the D-band using InP-on-(Bi)CMOS hetero-integration.

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Grass

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Grass Humboldt-Universität Berlin Sub-THz Mobile Access [TIA1] Intelligent Radio Environments [TIA 2] Wireless Communication Systems are technologically advancing very fast and have an impact on almost all areas of our modern society. To facilitate futureproof system developments, new approaches and technologies are needed. Focusing the potential of numerous renown research institutions, the […]